Minimum salary limits in German labor migration law 2023
. . The following minimum salary limits apply for 2023:
Regular EU Blue Card (§ 18b para. 2 p. 1 Residence Act): 58.400 euros/ year or 4.867.00 Euros/ month.
EU Blue Card in shortage occupations (i.e. natural scientists, mathematicians, engineers, IT specialists and doctors, section 18b para. 2 p. 2 Residence Act): 45.552 euros/ year or 3.796.00 euros/ month.
Residence permit for skilled workers in the IT sector with pronounced practical professional knowledge (§ 19c para. 2 AufenthG in conjunction with § 6 BeschV): 52,560 euros/ year or 4.380 euros/ month.
Residence permit for older skilled workers according to §§ 18a, 18b para. 1 AufenthG who take up employment for the first time after reaching the age of 45 (§ 18 para. 2 no. 5 AufenthG): 48.180 euros/ year or 4.015.00 €/ month.
Residence permit for older and first-time employees under the Western Balkans regulation or for professional drivers after reaching the age of 45 (section 1 para. 2 BeschV): 48.180 euros/ year or 4015.00 €/ month.